About the logo

Raven skull

The raven is a symbol of wisdom and intelligence. Ravens are highly intelligent birds, having shown the ability to solve problems, use tools and communicate. In Norse folklore, ravens were used by the god Odin as his eyes and ears. The raven skull further represents transformation and is a symbol of our mortality.

Strength of Mind Fitness seeks to both improve your knowledge (what you know) and your wisdom (how to apply that knowledge). Like the ancient stoics, being reminded of our mortality can encourage us to make the most of the time we have. Life is not a dress rehearsal for something else.

Roman gladius swords

The gladius is the type of sword used by Roman legionaries. Legionaries were disciplined, highly trained soldiers who could march long distances and win a battle at the end. They were pivotal to the success and influence of the Roman empire.

The gladius swords are a symbol of my military background which has profoundly shaped me.

Strength Starts Within

Physical and mental fitness are symbiotic. However, the motto of SOMF comes from the recognition that mindset is foremost: Strength Starts Within.